Things you should know about GraphQl in 2024

Things you should know about GraphQl in 2024

Over the years, GraphQL has become quite a big deal. Many developers were excited about this technology, and I was one of them.

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After a few years of using this technology, I would like to share my thoughts and knowledge about GraphQL. Let’s start with a simple definition, what is GraphQL? GraphQL is a query language that lets you decide what kind of data you will receive in response to the request.
GraphQL also provides runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. About this data, you can think in the fashion of nodes in graphs. Objects may have a relationship with other objects, but you may be interested only in a small portion of those nodes. Simple? Excellent, let’s go deeper.
“The Expression is called the selector expression. The type of the selector expression must be char, byte, short, int, or a reference type, or a compile-time error occurs.”

– Gopi Krishna Vemula


GraphQL gives clients of the service freedom when it comes to choosing what they will receive from the server. You control what information you will retrieve and which fields areunnecessary in your case for each request, either its query, mutation, or subscription. Those are the only 3 types of requests. Query operations are designed for retrieving data, Mutation operations for modifying it, and Subscription operations provide real-time updates when new data becomes available..

Running a dev container

To run a dev container select ctrl + shift + p -> Dev Containers: Reopen in Container and enjoy developing in a well-known VSCode.
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In this article, we learned about setting up and using a dev container extension for VSCode for development purposes. The extension provides the same development experience as if the development was done locally on your machine and at the same time all the advantages of separating an environment with containers. It works well in remote environments. If you found the article interesting I encourage you to read other of our blog postsor check out our Machine Learning projects.
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